U.S. Figure Skating strives to provide a safe environment for its members that is free of misconduct and harassment. The association will not tolerate or condone any form of harassment or misconduct of any of its members including athletes, coaches, officials, directors, employees, parents, volunteers or any other persons while they are participating in or preparing for a figure skating activity or event conducted under the auspices of U.S. Figure Skating. All forms of misconduct are unacceptable and in direct conflict with U.S. Figure Skating rules.
The U.S. Figure Skating SkateSafe Program addresses the following types of misconduct:
Sexual misconduct
Physical misconduct
Emotional misconduct
Bullying, threats and harassment
Willfully tolerating misconduct
All individuals, regardless of membership with U.S. Figure Skating, are encouraged to report suspected violations of SkateSafe.
If you have questions about the SkateSafe program, email: skatesafe@usfigureskating.org
or call 719-635-5200.
The NBNSCFSC President is Liz Dobson
Click here to be directed to USFSA SkateSafe.
Click here to access a copy of the *U.S. Figure Skating SkateSafe Handbook*
Click here to access free online "SafeSport" training for parents and youth